I Am Brave - A Message from Mrs. Press

Have you ever been afraid? Did it stop you in your tracks and prevent you from doing the right thing?

I have a secret…God KNEW you would face fear in life, school, and work! It’s why he addresses fear SO MANY times in the Bible! Do not fear! Be strong and courageous! Do not be anxious about anything. Over and over God tells us to put our faith in Him and to be brave!

This month’s Friendzy catchphrase is I am Brave! There are many situations in school that we face that require bravery. Whether it’s giving a presentation or trying out for the basketball team, we can be brave!

Perhaps, however, the most important situations are those in which we must make the right choice and do the right thing, even when it is scary. Will we choose to be honest, loving, kind, and accepting? Will we be brave enough to stand up for a friend in need? Can we bravely stand alone when it would be safer to follow the crowd? Yes, we can be brave!

One of my greatest privileges and joys each month is to introduce the new Friendzy unit to our middle school students during chapel. This month, two days before chapel, I “randomly” picked up the book of Esther to read. I meant to read a chapter or two, but I was drawn in and read the whole book! God showed me new insights into the motives of Haman and Esther. I was so excited…but why now? What did God have in store? That day I arrived at school, sat at my desk, and pulled out my Friendzy guide to prepare for chapel. You can imagine how my heart leaped when I realized our unit was on bravery! I knew exactly what to share in Chapel.

If you aren’t familiar with the story of Esther, I encourage you to pause, grab a cup of hot chocolate, and read it through from start to finish. The book reads like a thrilling movie filled with villains, heroes, and shocking plot twists! Pay careful attention to the two main characters: Esther and Haman. Watch for clues that reveal their character and motives.

What stood out to me during my most recent reading of the book were the motives of Haman and Esther. You probably already know Haman as being proud, arrogant, and power-hungry; but, have you ever thought of him as scared? He was scared—scared of losing his power, losing respect, losing prestige. Mordecai scared him. If Mordecai could stand up to Haman, what did that mean? Haman was focused on himself and would do ANYTHING to protect himself, his power, and his possessions.

Esther, however, was humble and obedient. She, too, was afraid—afraid for her life if the King did not grant her favor. If she focused on herself and her safety, she would have been paralyzed in fear. However, her focus was outward and upward. She knew the fate of her people was of greater importance than her one life. She also knew that nothing was impossible with the power of her God. So, she acted rightly. She acted bravely.

Like Esther, we may sometimes be afraid to do the right thing, especially if it could mean risking our social status. If we focus inward, protecting ourselves, we may be too afraid to do the right thing. However, when we look outward and upward like Esther, we can find the courage to be brave!