NEW Essentials of Faith Series on RightNow Media

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RightNow Media recently launched a new discipleship series called Essentials of Faith—a transformative twelve-study journey designed to deepen Christians’ understanding of the gospel and address fundamental questions of our faith.

Essentials of Faith offers straightforward teaching that makes Christian concepts easy to grasp, helping people grow in their faith without feeling overwhelmed. It provides a clear pathway to spiritual maturity, supporting your church’s discipleship efforts and helping Christians become confident, mature followers of Jesus. This is a series of studies that cover the basics of our faith.

Each study consists of approximately 6 lessons, each 10-15 minutes in length. The studies also include downloadable study guides for adults and youth.

Series Available Now:

  • What is a Christian? with Francis Chan

  • Why Does Jesus Matter? with J.D. Greerar

  • Why Do We Need the Bible? with Lisa Harper

  • What is the Church? with Derwin Gray

More studies in the series are coming soon!

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